Jalapeno Hot Sauce

(3 customer reviews)


surfguys jalapeno
Jalapeno Hot Sauce

Made from fresh jalapeno, onion, garlic, vinegars, and spices


surfguys jalapeno
Jalapeno Hot Sauce
Surfguys Jalapeno Hot Sauce is our entry level hot sauce which has a low level of heat, but incorporates excellent flavor in every bottle.
“Fresh-N-Hot” is because we use only fresh ingredients in making of this formula.
It goes great with all types of foods whether you dine out, or make your own foods at home.
You can cook with it also and add some heat and flavor to you prepared foods.
Surfguys Jalapeno hot sauce does not much heat, but it’s been said that it’s better than Tabasco’s jalapeno hot sauce.
We use only High Quality ingredients, and get outstanding products for the masses.
Crafted locally in Melbourne Beach Fl., and professionally packaged in Central Florida, USA.

3 reviews for Jalapeno Hot Sauce

  1. Bob Jonson

    Mild formula with great flavor. For those who seek great flavor and minimal heat.

  2. gj@surfguyshotsauces

    Great flavor with even though it’s not as hot as the habanero hot sauces in this lineup. A real good product. Give it a try, you’ll like it.

  3. Tamara

    Great to use as a marinade or final base for grilling! Perfect blend of heat and flavor

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